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International Women’s Day 2024

International Women’s Day 2024


As a female-founded business with 80% female employees, International Women’s Day is very important to us.  

When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment. 

To celebrate the women within our community, we asked Velour Society members about this year’s theme, #InspireInclusion. 


How can society better inspire inclusion in the beauty space? 

“Promoting diversity in advertisements, encouraging brands to offer a wide range of inclusive products, and fostering open conversations about beauty standards can contribute to inspiring greater inclusion in the beauty space. Emphasizing individual uniqueness and challenging stereotypes helps create a more inclusive environment for everyone”. - Richa S 


“We need to see more 40+, 50+, 60+ women in beauty campaigns! I think we're all a little tired of only seeing gorgeous 20-year-olds wearing makeup. Makeup is more than age and gender and it is for everyone!” - Anastasia N 


“I believe society can better inspire inclusion in the beauty space by highlighting women that use beauty products everyday that are not influencers. I believe showing teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs, students, stay at home moms etc. would be a great way to create inclusion and have all women feel like they are a part of a community.” - Sirat S 


Where would you like to see women included more in the future?   

“I want to see women everywhere, because we truly belong in every part of society.” - Noémie G 


“I don’t have personal preferences, but many advocate for increased inclusion of women in leadership roles, STEM fields, and equal opportunities across all sectors. Promoting gender equality in education, employment, and decision-making processes is crucial for a more balanced and inclusive future.” - Richa S 


“I have always seen women as the backbone in many aspects they are a part of. They play such a significant role, I would love to see women included more in decision making roles. It is beneficial seeing both sides on matters, so allowing women to be included, gives different perspectives that can contribute to the overall outcome.” - Melissa S 


How would you describe the feeling of being included? 

“As a mother of a seven-year-old daughter I can tell you being included is one of the most important feelings there is. Think about when we were children and we weren't included in a game or a certain group and how that made us feel. Now think about that time you were included. When someone reached out and ask you to join in, when you felt happy and like you belonged. It's still the same feeling today. We are taught at a young age to be nice, be kind, include everyone and I wonder as we grow how it changes to be less inclusive and more one note. Being included now as a woman is just as important as being included when I was that little girl trying to feel like I belonged. Maybe even more important now that I'm older and I can really make a difference.” - Laurissa N 


“The feeling of being included is to feel like you belong, to feel a purpose, to never feel alone. To feel included is to know that even if you are surrounded by people who are mostly different intellectually, physically, emotionally or any other way, you still feel safe to be around them.” - Noémie G 


“The feeling of being included, is being welcomed, understood, respected & supported. As we all continue to grow and learn new things, we adapt, we keep an open mind, and we encourage ourselves and others to take the opportunity to widen our horizons and value others.” - Melissa S 


Why is inclusion important as a content creator? 

“Inclusion is important as a content creator because it gives us confidence and shows our audience that we belong.” - Upasna S 


“Inclusion is important as a content creator because you don’t create for yourself, you create for others. You want people to feel safe and encourage them to use their own voice.” - Noémie G 


“Beauty standards are changing all the time. We still mostly only see exceptionally beautiful women on TV/advertisement. For me, as a creator, it is of crucial importance to spread the message that we are ALL beautiful. We don't have to be a specific age/race/body shape, we don't have to have perfect skin and full lips to be a content creator or to be beautiful. REAL women follow me, a real woman with skin problems and fine lines, because they see themselves in me and they can relate to it. I love helping women that way.” - Anastasia N 



The Velour Team is happy to celebrate women’s history and take our community’s feedback into action within our branding. We believe all women should be recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether racial, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. 


How will YOU #InspireInclusion in your daily life on, and offline? 


Check out for more information.